Down the road from my place is this great Mexican restaurant, on Mondays it's $2.50 Margaritas. The clientele are friendly regulars mostly, all who have been going there for many years. The food is ok, some dishes are better than others, however the shrimp fajitas are well tasty. It's a really good place to go eat, drink and chat, and I can walk there too, nice. On Friday and Saturday nights they have the Cody Bryant Experience, a country band made up of some very talented musicans, the place is packed with cowboy hats, western shirts and dancing. Whats not to like then?!
It's right next door to the LA Equestrian Center, Riverside Drive, Burbank, CA
This is Benji, a really top bloke.
This is Benji's home made salsa, he only makes it on a Monday night. It's unbealievably hot, but very tasty all at the same time.
Also on Monday nights they have a Bluegrass jam session, people from all over turn up with banjos, guitars, double basses etc and get in the groove, so many come they've had to split the players into 2 groups. Sitting there with a Margarita, listening to some blinding music is why I like it here.
this place looks pretty rad. going to have to bring the wife for margaritas when we are in town next month.