These guys have a great shop in Denver. I met them at the killer Love Thy Chopper show. Anyways, Dave was riding that Triumph back to the shop and this is what happened
"P.S. I don't know if I had told you the story about Daves motorcycle accident.We were about a mile away from the art show and this car cut behind Dave and split him off from the rest of us just before a red light. After stopping the guy in the car honked at Dave. Dave turned around and exchange words with the guy just before the guy rammed him with his car. Daves throttle sticks.Gets launched over curb.Does flying W. Lands it. Throttle still sticking. Loses it. Dislocates shoulder. Saved paint job with body. Police reports. licence plate numbers. The next day the guy turned himself in and said " I just lost my head"
guy in cars new name: dead motherfucker.