Saturday June 11th, Des Moines, Iowa.
DICE Magazine & Church Of Choppers Party.
No frills, just a good old fashion biker bar party.
Free beer & tacos to anyone riding from more then 200 miles away.
A free tank of premium gas, a $100.oo and t-shirts to the
one (or group) that rode from the furthest away.
Free FTWCO event t-shirt to all that ride in from out of town.
$1 Hamms.
$1 Tacos
Camping behind bar.
Taco eating contest.
The Jitz Album release party.
Noon till 2am.
Sprint Car Races 20 minutes away in Knoxville.
Hotels very close.
CoC open house 2-4pm.
Maps available for points (bars) of interest.
And for those of you that really like to pour it on...
Pre-party at GT Race Lounge Fri night.
Al Brown (of the Gorilla Biscuits) spinning music.
Dirt Track Races 5 minutes from bar (Iowa State Fairgrounds).
Sprint Car Races (20 minutes away) in Knoxville.
More stuff to come.