Friday, September 30, 2011
Mr Monk Gets In Touch With His Roots
Greenpoint Living
When we finally got all our ducks in a row for the Gypsy Run, the issue 40 Brooklyn release party and the Invitational I started looking to rent an apartment in the Williamsburg/Greenpoint district of Brooklyn. Hotels are few and far between in this neighbourhood and those that do exist are bloody expensive. After 6 weeks of searching (most places were already taken because of fashion week) I found this gem. It was perfect, cheaper than a crap motel and just the right location. Jimmy Monk and Guy (that's him in the last picture looking at the Manhattan skyline over the east river. Hello mate.) were to be my roommates. We all chipped in with the mullah and moved in for one weeks stay just after the Gypsy run. We spent most mornings sitting on the steps drinking coffee and talking to the locals in what we thought was a pretty good New York Italian accent. No one was fooled of course. We had a great time.
The S&M KSCS CR24 Big Raffle

The S&M KSCS CR24 Big Cruser Custom features… One of a kind paint by Kris Henderschot. The Best of the best components from FIT and S&M. ALL and I mean ALL the money that we make will go to AIDAN HAS A POSSE. click the link to find out more. You can buy as many tix as you want and I will email you your numbers. Drawing will be online. SPREAD THE WORD YOU COOL FUCKERS! Get Your Tickets HERE Thanks.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
It Doesn't Get Much Better Than This
Friends and riding bikes go together like Donny and Marie, Fish and Chips, Tea and biscuits and Anna Nicole and that old bloke. With that in mind myself, Caleb, Jimmy, Renshaw and Toshi (those last three are the entire cast of the 23bricksforever blog by the way) set off from Brooklyn to ride down to NC for Dean's wedding. We had plenty of time to get there so we had a very loose plan to ride as much of the famed Blue Ridge Parkway as possible. The first day was interstate all the way to Skyline Drive, stopping in Gettysburg for some history. The next 3 days, Skyline then the Parkway, where some of the most epic amazing riding I have ever done in my entire life. I mean just jaw dropping. If you ever get the chance then take it. There is hardly anyone up there, its deserted, lots of wild life though. The usual stupid Deer all over the place of course but also wild Turkeys, Turtles ambling across the empty blacktop and black bears up trees feasting on foliage. And of course mile after mile of perfection. We camped up there too, it really has it all. Lots of crazy things happened to us in lots of crazy places but I reckon that's a whole other story. We got almost as far as Ashville and because we were enjoying it so much overshot our turn off for Eden NC by about 150 miles. We got off the mountain and checked the map. No problem. We just doubled back on ourselves cross country on super smooth roads riding through small towns and farmland and got into Eden with plenty of time to spare. I miss my friends already and that ride will live with me forever.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Dice HD Points Covers


Oooooohhhhh yeah, sexy sexiness. Dice points covers. Cast for us by Falcon Motorcycles. Will fit Harley big twins after 1970. 2 different designs, 2 different materials, aluminium and bronze and polished or unpolished. Whew, confused? nah, of course not. Lovely. We only made 20 of each of the aluminium and 5 of each of the bronze of these gorgeous pieces of gorgeousness. When they are gone they are gone. Get some H*E+R*E
Places Where I Would Like To Live: 1
So me and Caleb where blatting along on a super smooth country road in West Virginia when we both spied this old mill house. I want it. So bad.
2 of the pics are Calebs.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Gypsy Run 5
was fantastic. Complete chaos too. All the maps got torn up and thrown in the bin because half the roads chosen had been washed away in the hurricane. So it was everyman for himself. We all managed to find our way to 47 industries and the 2 (very damp) campsites. The first being on a lake with some great fishin' to be had. They also had rowing boats and a proper espresso coffee machine. In the morning we drank lattes and fished in the sunshine. Brilliant.
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