Friday, September 14, 2012

'Hot Can' Test Drive

I don't know if anyone reading this remembers the post I did a couple of months ago about these things? Basically self heating cans of food. I am completely rubbish at getting a camp fire going, mainly because I forget the matches or the wood is wet but actually mainly 'cos I really am rubbish at camp fires. Usually we get to the camp site late and in the dark because we are all riding old bikes and everyone thinks they know where they're going when, quite clearly, they don't. You're tired and hungry and the fire won't start. But wait, hold on, all is not lost. Hey Presto, the wonderful 'Hot Can' is the perfect answer. I hadn't actually seen one in the flesh or tasted one yet mind you, until now. They very kindly sent one over (I chose the Beans and Balls. Veggie cans are available too.) and, well, here are the results.

Pop the lid, push the skewer into the 3 holes in the top, making sure it goes all the way to the bottom of the can. 2 minutes later a load of steam comes hissing out of those said holes. That is your cue to stir the contents a few times. Give it another 10 minutes or so and there you have it, piping hot food in a can. I have to say it was delicious, really very tasty. All good ingredients with no e numbers and chemicals and all that shit. And the best part is the food stays hot all the way to the bottom. One word of warning, don't try and hold the can on any part that is metal. Oh, and don't forget to pack a spoon.
They are a small friendly independent company, just the sort we like to support here at DicE, and you should too. Hot Can.
So, what next? well, the Rice Pudding obvs.

 How it works:

Inside is a can of food surrounded by an outer can and in the space between the two cans is a water sachet and granular limestone (the same compound found in some toothpastes). When you insert the spike into the three holes in the top rim of the can this pierces the water sachet, the water then flows into the limestone and a natural reaction occurs between the limestone and water which produces heat. This warms up the food inside the can and within 8-12 minutes it will be a perfect eating temperature of 60-70°C.


  1. Not available in the states yet but I'll be looking for this. I remember your original post. Thanks for the update :)
