Tuesday, September 11, 2012

6over New York Premiere

Loser Machine, Kickstart Cycle Supply and us (DicE duh) present a special showing of 6over on a large screen in a tre cool Brooklyn movie theater, which incidentally has it's own bar, just saying, Friday night, September 21st at 7pm. All organised by the very cuddly Walter Gemeinhardt. It's free to get in, the place only seats 100 people so it's a first come first serve type of deal. All you have to do is go to Walters website www.kickstartcycle.com  and follow the instructions. Easy Peasy. .


  1. Guessin' you mean Friday Nite...Sept 21st...

    1. Erm...yes, yes I do. Sorry about that. Saturday is the Brooklyn Invitational.
