Wednesday, October 10, 2012

From Japan to USA, From Honda To Vincent.

"Hey Dean, 
Here are some pics from when I toured around the USA on a CB750. 
This was the first time I visited 15 years ago.
I look the same...maybe a little skinnier! Haha!
Oh and an un-fuckin-believable thing happened...this is my dream bike, I found it last week at the El Camino swap-meet!!
I will ride it over Tri Co after I finished fixing it.
See you soon!"
Coming in DicE issue 47...Kiyo's race ready Honday CB750.


  1. Not in a gay way, not that there's anything wrong with that if it's your bag, but . . . when I first saw shots of Kiyo going back maybe ten years he reminded me of the dude out of 'Mystery Train', what a stylist, bikes, life, all round cool. Another one on my Big Barbeque Wishlist Guestlist, and you Dice dudes of course.

  2. 'found it'??? what under a pile of old records?
    only a brough away from V twin climax

  3. If ever anyone deserved that bike, it's Kiyo. So happy for him.

  4. Happy Birthday Kiyo! Your dream bike VINCENT came to you!!!unbelievable...I'm really happy to hear that

  5. thanks!! i still love honda too!!
