Thursday, February 25, 2010

Curtis And Jeff

I don't know about you but a well organised workshop gets me everytime, this is Curtis's place in Utah. Man I love it, everything is stored away in its right place, full of great tools and machines, everywhere you look in fact. Curtis builds film props for a living and he is the best there is, he is very skilled and this workshop is a glimpse of the man himself and the quality of his work. I am always gobsmacked at places like this, if it was me there would be crap everywhere and I wouldn't be able to find a thing. Isn't it great that people like Curtis are still doing their thing in this day and age?

Curtis is Jeffs uncle. Jeff and Curtis are building this brilliant Vincent together, bouncing ideas of each other and getting busy with all the fabrication. This bike is going to fly, its super trick and a thing of rare beauty


  1. My doc's office aint that clean..

  2. those first few shots are spooky.
    like the shining.

  3. Oh man, even more pissed I didn't make this trip.

    I got a boner.

  4. damn dude! damn!!!! i love the scrap bins that are perfectly faced haha!

  5. My uncle rules!
    There are so my unsung heroes out there that just don't care about the spot light.
    Without him DECKER CUSTOMS would not exist!
    He helped me with my CROCKER, CYCLONE & now this VINCENT will KILL!
